our vaunted surveillance, we guard against the shameful possibility that our
children might possibly be exposed to any suggestion of sex with no hint of
violence, while we inundate them with a ubiquitous and most sadistic violence
from which there is no escape.
call, however, that we will not hear as a possible solution, is a call to end
violence as public policy. Our government, the government that we
overwhelmingly support, is the purveyor, par excellence, of the most horrendous
violence with its perpetual war, its admitted practice of “enhanced
interrogation” and even the condoning of a president’s option to cancel habeas
corpus and openly call for the assassination of American citizens. We will also hear no calls for the abolishment
of the tremendous inequality in our economic system that leads to poverty and
its resultant violence.
a veteran of WWII, having witnessed many of the horrors of Nazi crimes, I have
wondered how the German citizen of that time was able to sleep at night when
those crimes had to be obvious to the casual observer. Then it occurred to me that the individual
German citizen, in order to prevent going mad themselves, had indeed become “well-adjusted”
to a mad and neurotic society. They slept comfortably in their denial. The
“mal-adjusted” were those that dared to venture opposition. Thus, it is, I
believe, that we, by our own volition, have become just such a neurotic
society, a society that can condone the slaughter of millions of innocent men,
women and children by our military, a society that is oblivious to the inhumane
sanctions our government imposes on any nation that would dare to stand in the
way of its empirical goals, a society that will tolerate no deviance from the
neurotic norm under the threat of being ostracized, or, in the event that the
deviant should threaten the established norm, the retaliation could take the
form of character assassination and even fatal assassination, as in the case of
JFK, RFK and MLK Jr.
brings us to the question of how this came to be. For the answer, we must go
back to our very beginnings and the violent subjugation of those savage Native
Americans and docile African slaves, the effects of which have yet to be
erased. Then, with the great western migration, the gun became the only justice
to be found, and outlaws like Jessie James and Billy the Kid became virtual
heroes to many for their defiance of authority, as did gangsters like John
Dillinger along with Bonnie and Clyde during the great depression. Unfortunately
all this reinforced the ridiculous idea of the “rugged individualist,” which we
have adopted as a national trait. It
became, “Me against the world.” And Darwin’s “Survival of the fittest” became
“The law of the jungle.” This brought about a persistent alienation that, to
this day, eventually destroys the human need for community and brotherhood
along with the empathy and altruism that evidence now suggests we were
hard-wired for at birth.
why have we had 54 mass shootings in this country since 1950? For an honest answer, I fear that we must stop
the scapegoating and turn to the mirror. It is time to acknowledge that it is
we, a sick and neurotic society, that have made violence a way of life by
ignoring the violent crimes against humanity committed by our own government.
It is we, a sick neurotic society that refuses to condemn the greed that has
led to an insufferable poverty-ridden economic inequality denying its victims
basic human dignity. It is we, a sick neurotic society, that has brought about
an alienation in which cooperation is replaced by ruthless competition and with
it a veritable denial of what it means to be human. To make the situation even worse, this sick
neurotic society then arrogantly but falsely proclaims “Exceptionalism” which
allows it to reject the rules and norms of civilization. The truth is that we are far less than
exceptional when it comes to a claim of leadership in education. We rank 17th
among leading nations. We may, however,
be exceptional in providing health care. In spite of the fact that, according to the
World Health Organization, we are number one in our per-capita expenditure for
health care, we rank a poor 38th in its provision.
would think the time has come when we should face the truth of our neurosis.
The time has come when we should stop shouting down those who have found the
courage to speak out. The time has come when we should renounce the false
patriot’s ignorant assertion “My country right or wrong.”
read, it should conclude with, “If right, to be kept right, if wrong, to be set
right.” The time has come when we should
look to the mirror and admit that we have met the enemy and the enemy is us. Only then can we begin to answer the question: Why?
By Hal O'Leary
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